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Common Queries

What are the payment/shipping options?

You may pay in person by Cash/ or E- transfer. Online you may pay by debit or credit.
Shipping from the store is through Canada Post. All boxed items over $25 will receive a tracking number for your convenience and will be covered by insurance.

What is your return policy?

Each separate artisan has their own specific return policy that you will be made aware of before purchasing their items.

Do you offer gift cards?

Yes we do! We can either email them to you for quick delivery or mail them if you would like a lovely hard copy on manila board stock. These can be purchased in person, or online by E transfer.

What kinds of goods do you sell?

Our in store items vary with the season & the artists.  Some general staples we always have in stock: Organic Skin care, candles, healing crystals and jewelry, serums and balms, handmade knits, home décor & other accessories.  If there is anything in particular you are searching for, we would be happy to help. Just let us know!

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